Friday, September 9, 2011

6 month update!

So... what has happend in the last 6 months you ask? A LOT!!!!

But here are just a few pics to get caught up! :)

Joel had his 1st birthday in april

We moved to vegas

on july 22nd at 6:25pm we had our little girl, Arlie Nicole! the birth went great! only lasted 5 hours compared to 14 with joel. it was a different mind set going into it the second time, but still great non the less!

we went to california to see my grandpa and uncle julian when she was one week old! here we are eating at our favorite restaurant in vista called the yellow deli :)

one of her 12 day old photos

then at 2 weeks old we went to colorado. here is a 4 generation picture

i have to say, girls are so much fun! i love playing with all her bows!

here is her nursery!

and we started potty training joel at 15 months. we have good luck when he wakes up in the morning and from his nap, but the rest of the time its just a hit or miss. but he has done great all things considered, and he is good to tell us "paa-ee" everytime after he wets his training undies. in due time :)

and here are just a few more pics of my sweet kids!

can you believe arlie is already a month and a half?! she is growing so so fast! we are having so much fun though! i truly couldnt be happier! life with 2 kids is great! i was a little nervous how i would manage with 2 small babies, but with all the help i had in the beginning from my mom and sister, and then being home alone with the kids finding my routine has made it all jive just right! of course sometimes are a bit hectic if both kids are crying, but you just care for one, and then the other, and all is calm and peaceful again! and a few things to look forward to, in december we are going to a caribbean island called turks and caicos for 10 days! and i am soooo excited for it! and then for xmas plans, we hope to go to my grandpas to meet all of the family there that hasnt been together for more than 12 years! and a quick update of what joel is doing lately... he can do animal noises for elephant, sheep, dog, cat, snake, bee, donkey, cow, bear, tiger, lion, bunny etc... fire truck, motorcycle, and we have thought him just a few basic sign language words and he can sign please, thank you, more, airplane, potty, and he covers his eyes during the blessing now which we love! he talks a lot, but mostly in gibberish. he can walk down all the stairs in our house without holding on, and he has 15 teeth now out of 20. he is constantly growing and learning and i am just so proud of him! and arlie is cooing more and smiling more also! she weighed 8 lbs 14 oz at birth, at one month she weighed 12 lbs 1 oz and now she weighs 13 lbs and 14.5 oz! and grew 2 inches in that first month! my how fast it goes!!!! they are both just so fun! i feel so fulfilled with my life right now, and wanna thank my God for all the blessings and grace he has bestowed upon us!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

joel almost 11 months, and me 20 weeks along

well its been about 4 months since my last post. we have been staying busy and all is well. joel is almost 11 months old which doesn't seem near as crazy as next month turning 1!!!!! having his birthday... that blows my mind to think about. seems like yesterday was his actual birth-day! which i have been thinking about more and more now that i get farther along with #2! i am 20 weeks today, the halfway mark! about 4 1/2 months. i have been blessed again with no morning sickness, and have enjoyed every day! it has gone by really fast already, and to think in a few months we get to relive the whole labor to birth to sweetest baby in my arms all over again! i get so excited thinking about it! i am actually excited for labor! not the pain of course, but the process and the end results of Lord willing a healthy new baby to join our happy little family! when i was pregnant with joel, we both expected boy. half the fun to us in not knowing the sex of the baby. and up until a couple weeks ago we didn't have a feeling one way or the other. and when people asked if i was eager to get a girl, i said not really. i already know boy, boys seem pretty easy so far, and i have all the boy clothes. but as of late, we both have a hunch that it is a girl. out of instinct, or whatever you wanna call it, i naturally called joel a boy al throughout, and now i catch myself saying 'she is moving', 'garret wanna feel your daughter?' so its fun and we would be so happy with a girl. and boy. no biggie either way to us! but she, i mean the baby has been kicking up a storm! i got to feel her, i mean it, move a few weeks earlier than i did with the first. and like last time, i got really big really fast, so i am already getting the "IS IT TWINS?" which i hate hearing, because if you have ever seen anybody with would know. i am really short, and its my second time around, and it wasn't that long ago that my belly stretched out, so odds are for me and my body type i am gonna carry it all out front! so anyway, we are very happy and looking forward to meeting this new little one and teaching joel all about being a good big brother! he has been such a joy to us! getting smarter and stronger every day! his progress in the last 4 months is of course he started crawling, like right after he learned how to use his knees to stand up by the couch. and then he started standing up all by himself. he still says dada and mama and hi and today he said ball. but he mostly likes to point at things and let me do the talking. and he loves to play catch with daddy. joel will sit at the top of the steps while daddy throws balls up to him, and joel will fetch them all and throw them all back down! and oh yes, joel finally mastered how to come back down the stairs! he learned really fast how to go up them, and after a few harmless but scary tumbles down he figured out how to come backwards! you can tell he thinks he is real big, and of course loves it when we cheer him on. and of course he goes through stages of everything, like lately he will every once in a while not want to eat. i thought it was me feeding him that bothered him, but sometimes he just doesn't want anything. but luckily he gets distracted and entertained some way that i can sneak some bites, or as many as possible of all the goodness he needs, fruit, meat, veggies, cheese, crackers. and of course he always wants to eat what is on our plates! talk about the biggest mooch i have ever seen! :) and joel and i still attend our baby play dates just about every thursday at 3 with a few of the moms and kids his age from our birthing classes. we have a lot of fun there, taking turns hosting every week. its sweet to watch the kids all grow together but at all different but similar paces! but anyway, thats about all i can think about for now, or all i have energy to type! hope everyone is doing great out there in the blogger world! xoxo

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

7 months and expecting #2

so this has been a fun month! joel is getting big and he is getting fast! he has been crawling, but its more of an army crawl. he hasn't really figured out how to stay on his hands and knees, but that doesn't slow him down. he is everywhere, getting to everything, and i love it! some moms just complain how hard it is and how they miss the stage where they weren't mobile. but we love it! its fun, and it keeps us on our toes. thats what parenthood is. also, the past couple weeks, joel has been starting to lift himself up on things and stand. that has just blown my mind. to look over at my baby standing by himself, makes him not look a baby anymore! its fun and scary how fast he is growing up! and not... we have one more one the way! we couldn't be more excited! we were trying i guess you could say. we want them close together. some people think we are crazy, but oh well. we are happy. i'm sure i will be really busy and a bit overwhelmed at times, but i know it can be done! they will be about 15 months apart. to think of joel as a big brother just makes me so anxious and proud. i have felt good so far. i guess i am 6 weeks along, and due the end of july. around the 26th. seems far away, but as fast as my last pregnancy went, and as fast as joel is growing, i know it will be here soon enough. i had suspected i was pregnant a week or so before thanksgiving considering i was a few days late. so i thought if i was i could surprise garret along with the rest of my family over thanksgiving break. so i took a test after garret went to work on friday morning. and i didn't want to get my hopes up, and didn't really think i could be pregnant because it is just crazy to think about, so right after i took the test i went into the kitchen and kinda forgot about the test for like 10 minutes. but went back in expecting a negative, and what do i see? a bright bold positive. i still was in shock. but got started on a letter written by joel to my family announcing that he would be a big brother. and thanksgiving night, after all my family was together, we celebrated our christmas and i had garret read aloud the letter to my family. it was a good surprise and a great way to end our thanksgiving day! slowly i am remembering what pregnancy was like. however it will be more real to us all when i start to look pregnant again. but anyway, we are very happy and hope you all are enjoying the holidays!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

5 and 6 months

so needless to say, i have been slacking on blogging. i havent made the effort to post new pics often enough, but here i am, for an update for the past couple months. for joesl 5th month we spent a week and a half in oklahoma! went to see aunt sarah and grandma! it was so fun! but daddy says we cant ever leave for longer than a week again! <3 in joels 5th month, he started to sit up, roll more and more and more! and just a few days ago, my baby turned 6 months. i cant believe it! where does time go? but we have enjoyed every second, and he becomes more fun and more sweet, and happier, and the list goes on! we feel so blessed to be joels parents! the last couple of weeks, joel has gotten stronger and more determined to crawl, but isnt there just yet. but he scoots, and army crawls! we are looking forward to when he can, even though everyone says we will wonder why we were so eager for it to happen. oh well. anyways, hope everyone out there in blogger world is doing good! we couldnt be happier! <3

Monday, August 23, 2010

4 months and counting

i got all my favorite pictures up from the last couple months! its so hard when you get behind, but i did it, and hopefully i can keep up! joel is getting so big! and we are reaching the next big mile stone! TEETHING! the first day was the hardest so far! fever and runny nose! but he is a lot better, and it comes and goes at this point! we sold our boat and both got bikes! a cheaper hobby! garret got a 250 dirt bike, and i got a 100 enduro! that is the latest with us! sorry i have been so out of the blog loop! facebook is just so much easier for some reason! well take care all!