Saturday, April 3, 2010

39 weeks

wow... am i already this far! every week i am amazed how fast it has gone by! i look back at my pictures of my pregnancy and i just cant believe its almost here! and thursday my mom got here, and that makes me so happy! it makes it feel more real, but at the same hand i almost feel like it cant be real. if i really just sit back and think about it, its like im playing house and its not real... haha! like im still a little girl pretending to be a little house wife and soon to be mother. and i doubt i can really know or understand or believe it until baby doll is in my arms! so thats kinda funny to think about! as of the last week, i have been getting more of the braxton hix, and i have more than usual discharge, and as of the last few days my nipples have been more sensitive and i have been getting a lot of what feel just like menstrual cramps. and from what i read thats a sign on early labor, but that could last for several days! so to think its happening right now is silly, but it does make it more real that its getting close! and garret said i was moaning and saying ouch in my sleep last night, so who knows what level of labor i would be close to! haha, but its just one day closer every day! so anyway, please keep me in your prayers and i will be in touch with anything new or exciting! much love

How your baby's growing at 39:
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.


  1. So excited for you guys!! Will be praying for you..can't wait to meet the new little one!!

  2. A couple of days ago Alex and I had the "oh my gosh, Nicolas could be here in two weeks" thought together. I feel like I'm pretending to be a wife and mother too...sometimes I feel like I'm still 12 and I have the hardest time realizing that everyone in birth class is right around the same age as us, rather than years and years older!

    I'm so excited for you that it is getting closer and closer! And I hope to see you at birth class this week :)


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