Friday, July 17, 2009

birthday adventures. rafting and yellowstone!

so its been a busy month! we got to do alot of fun things! i had my 20th birthday on the 13th. we went rafting, and garret got me a beautiful orchid with 10 blooms on it! then my mom and i went to yellowstone to meet up with my other aunt and a few cousins! and it was on our birthdays! we stayed the first night with the kirkpatricks! i love them! i have known them my whole life and cliff baptised me 7 years ago this month! wow time has flown by! i wish there was more i could do for the Lord! and then we camped for a couple nights at the beautiful yellowstone national park! we saw alot of animals and really pretty geysers! including old faithful, i think its a little over rated, but it was still cool. and soo many pretty waterfalls. it was awesome! i came home wednesday night and thursday i got more company! garrets brothers, clint and caleb, ages 19 and 17 are here from vegas for a while! we will have alot of fun! we are going SKYDIVING tomorrow! i wanted to take garret for our anniversary, but clint wanted to go so we waited! i have done it 2 times before. and it is amazing. its not scary like everyone thinks. its just awesome! and i dont feel like im tempting the Lord either. its pretty serene and peaceful....but i wont lie....there is also a huge rush of adrenaline! well anyways! hope you all have a good weekend! ❤


  1. Yay I just found your blog, girl! Looks like you had fun! :) Happy late 20th! <3

    Love ya,

  2. Hey! I heard you had a blog when we were on our Sister's Trip this past weekend! That's nice! I love my blog, wish I had more time to write posts, but I LOVE to hear what the other sister's are doing. Welcome to the blogging world! And Happy Birthday! <3


hey, thank you for leaving a comment! love you guys <3